Civil Rights

The United States was founded on the principle of liberty and justice for all. But we have not always lived up to this promise – which is why we must persevere in making this a reality for all Americans.
Workplace Equality
Job opportunities should be equally available to workers of equal ability, regardless of gender. That's why I support legislation that would prohibit employers from screening applicants based on salary history, make wage nondisclosure agreements illegal and strengthen penalties for employer retaliation against workers who assert their rights.
In addition, I've fought to extend universal, gender-neutral family and medical leave. I support legislation that would provide eligible individuals with up to 12 weeks of paid leave for a pregnancy, the birth or adoption of a child, recovery from a serious illness or the care of a seriously ill family member.
Criminal Justice
Our nation was founded on the principles that all persons are considered equal under the law. Despite this founding ideal, there is still much needed work to do to address these existing inequalities. That is why I support policies that seek to modernize policing practices and law enforcement accountability while ensuring our law enforcement has the resources it needs to keep us safe. I remain committed to ensuring that all communities are treated equally and fairly under the law.
LGBTQ+ Rights
Though America has made great strides toward equality for every American, much work remains to ensure everyone has their rights are respected. That's why I was proud to vote for legislation that would extend civil rights protections against discrimination in credit, education, employment, federal funding, housing, jury service and public accommodations to LGBTQ+ Americans.
Voting rights are civil rights, plain and simple. Having your voice heard in elections is what makes our democracy a shining example. I will continue to support policies that would advance and protect individuals’ voting rights.
Women’s Rights
I believe that protecting a woman’s access to reproductive healthcare is more important now than ever. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn decades long precedent in Roe v. Wade, Congress must act to ensure access to reproductive healthcare. That is why I have been a long time supporter of the Women’s Health Protection Act and the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act in the 117th Congress. I also introduced the Protecting Access to Contraception Act of 2022 in the 117th Congress which would have prevented state or local governments from prohibiting or otherwise restricting the possession, sale, purchase, transportation or use of any contraceptive that relates to interstate commerce.